The BOLD journey

"What does ANTI-aging actually mean?”

BOLD started with this simple question

In August 2020 our co-founders Russell and Amber were catching up over coffee and comparing notes on life. In particular both had been more active in helping manage the health of their parents and grandparents since the pandemic had started and having worked together in a previous business were trying to work out how they could create a business together. Their conversation turned to marketing towards ‘seniors’, health foods and supplements and what they had noticed about them. 

From what they could see, the industry had a very clear message to people 55+ - aging is bad, don’t get old, don’t be old, your best days are behind you, do everything you can to be younger.

There was a clear opportunity to create an empowering brand with great products backed by science

"When I was seven I told my mum that I wanted to live until 106. I’m not sure how I picked that number but to this day it still remains my goal age, so apparently I’m here for another 72 years.

Like many during the pandemic my health, and the health of those I care for became a bigger priority. It was during this time that I really started to pay attention to the way health products were being marketed to my parents and grandparents, and it made me sad. I couldn’t see any of my family members being reflected in the fear based and frankly ageist marketing I came across. 

Not only that but the messaging was deterring them from taking products that they would benefit from. After the third time of being told by my mum “I don’t need that, I’m not that old” about a product that she in fact, did need, I knew I wanted to do something to change this cycle. Yes as you get older your nutritional needs change, but I believe that different doesn’t mean bad. 

For me BOLD is a celebration of aging, of the new adventures to be had and all the great things still come. I created it for my parents and grandparents, so that they can get the nutrition that they need whilst feeling empowered about their health. Selfishly I’ve also created BOLD for myself, if I do actually get to 106 (I dream big) it means I will live more of my life over 50 than I will under 50. I don’t want to spend over half my life being told that I’m less than because of my age by products that are meant to be helping me. 

I’m incredibly proud of what Russell and I have created in BOLD, and I hope I can spend the next 72 years watching it grow!"

"It was always a dream to start a business and after 6 years in senior roles for multi-nationals, I really wanted to try find a business idea that was at least neutral and ideally beneficial to society.

A month after leaving my job and trying to work out what to do next, the pandemic started, all while my grandmother had just moved out of her home into an aged care facility, my mum had been diagnosed with a long term debilitating disease and my father was recovering from a major health scare, while looking after my mum. Having recently turned 40 myself, my focus was on health, longevity and trying to find a job or business I could be proud of.

During this time, my dad said something that really resonated as I felt the same, except the numbers were a bit smaller… ‘I still feel like I’m 30 in my mind and get surprised when I look in the mirror and see this older face staring back at me’ (He’s 74)

After a further year of self reflection, some unrewarding consulting work, lots of time spent with my grandmother and parents during the pandemic, and lots of reading and research, I realised I wanted to launch a product that was beneficial in aging and was actually empowering people as they age (with genuine, proven scientific evidence), making them feel like they have control and can look forward to life after 60, partly out of fear for my own aging and also to take some control back from what was happening in the world around me.

After almost another year of researching, building connections with dietitians, nutritionists, food scientists, researchers and Australian leading food and supplement manufacturers, we came up with BOLD, it ended up costing more than we had planned (being rigid in only have top quality ingredients, plant based, recyclable packaging and working with Australian suppliers and manufacturers) ended up taking longer than we planned and launched during a pandemic which was getting worse rather than better, but couldn’t be happier with the product and my dad and gran both take it everyday!"

Our Values


Staying open to new ideas and information while exploring new approaches, technology and concepts


A positive approach to solving problems where everyone is given the tools and trust to be their best


We put our customers and our health and well being first with the best products and approach to work/life balance


We are open, honest and true to ourselves and we believe in the products we sell

A proud member of the Jack Evelyn Family

Visit Jack Evelyn

Our Range

Australia’s premium pro-ageing health powder specifically formulated for people 50+

Health Protein Boost

Your Secret to Healthy Aging

✦ Boosts strength, energy, and healing
✦ Use just 2-3 times a week
✦ Easy, delicious, and guaranteed!


Collagen Glow

Nurture Your Skin from Within

✦ Supports, repairs, and replenishes skin
✦ 21 servings per bag
✦ Enjoy hot or cold


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Never Worry About Running Out

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